Our vision at habitua is to integrate lifestyle medicine into routine NHS care; both for prevention and for treatment chronic diseases. In primary care this is becoming closer and closer to a reality, with the integration of possible health coaches and physiotherapists to primary care teams, many of which already have talking therapists and dieticians working within their services. We are keen to work with health teams who would like to develop this way of working, and build on the evidence for such practices and benefits to the system and patient care.

Please contact us at [email protected] for further information.

Personalised care and the NHS long term plan

Supporting primary care networks and NHS services to integrate lifestyle medicine into daily practice and services. In line with personalised healthcare and NHS long term plan. Please contact for more information.

Corporate health and wellness for staff

Supporting business to provide the best for their staff. Health and wellness packages available to provide personalised support, improve health and happiness of staff and reduced absences and increase productivity.. Please contact for more details.

Learn More About Habitua